Ransomware attack targeting. How to prevent ransomware attacks.

Ransomware is a type of malware (malicious software) which criminals use to extort money.
It has become a trend recently. You can be locked out of your device and forced to make payment before it is unlocked.
The malware sends an HTTP request to a seemingly random domain name in the early stages of its execution. If the HTTP call fails, the malware encrypts the user’s files, requests ransom, and will spread to other vulnerable machines. If the HTTP call is successful, the malware exits, halting encrypting files and spreading itself.
How to prevent ransomware attacks.
(1) Keep your software and operating system updated
(2) Avoid connecting to a random public Wi-Fi
(3) Always backup your data
(4) Never click on unverified links
(5) Do not open untrusted email attachments
(6) Download from trusted sites only
(7) Use mail server content scanning and filtering
(8) Never use unfamiliar USBs
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